Welcome Jack, Kindra, and Karl! (With one choice, their college planning concerns are eliminated)

Welcome Jack (HS Class of 2026), Kindra & Karl (proud parents) as the newest family to join our 4-year, all inclusive, start-to-finish College Confidence Program!

On our introductory call, Jack demonstrated the self-motivation and drive needed to make the most of our elite, high-touch, personalized coaching & curriculum.

After a detailed vetting process, we were happy to offer the three of them admission...and they were ecstatic to accept!

We're now excited to guide all three of them (yes, parents too!) every step of the way for the next 3+ years...and they can now rest easy at night, knowing they have a structured plan of attack for the remainder of high school, one that will eventually place Jack in the best possible position for admission into his dream college....all backed by our three-pronged guarantee:

Jack and his family can confidently know that Jack will:

  • Gain acceptance into at least one of his top 5 DREAM colleges

  • Gain a minimum of $80,000 in college scholarships they never have to pay back

  • Eliminate 100% of their college planning worries overnight, knowing we'll be holding their hand every single step of the way from now through high school graduation.

And if all three of those things somehow don't occur?

They won't pay a penny. 


That's our policy.  Is it crazy?  Maybe.  But we like our families to know just how much skin in the game we have, too.

Congratulations, Jack, Kindra, and Karl! We're proud to have you as part of our College Confidence family for years to come.

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey
Founder, CollegeConsulting.us

P.S. - Do you have a highly motivated high schooler (min. 3.7 GPA), like Jack? We specialize in changing the lives of these exact types of students. If you'd like, you can learn more


Meet a family (with a high schooler) you may relate toI


Meet Robert, Student at Boston College