How to “Not be stressed at all” About Admissions…Seriously! (Real, Live, Example!)

About a month and a half ago, in this blog, I told you about a rock star student in our program, Addison (pictured above). She was cruising through the program, crushing admissions, crafting a killer school list, and as confident as ever. Well, guess what? Only a month and a half has passed and she’s crushing it even more. Just one more section in our roadmap done, and she’s radiating confidence and peacefulness amidst this stressful time.

In fact, here’s what she had to say after completing that section, Section 4:

“Not stressed at all.” LOVE IT. Even with AP tests, Addison is killing it and making major headway in the college admissions game. While she certainly has several peers stressed beyond reason studying for only their AP tests, Addison is cruising and building up a big advantage come admissions next fall.

One of the ways she’s crushing it is through her perfectly balanced school list. We advocate for all our students to have 2-3 reaches, 2-3 targets, 2-3 probables, and 2-3 safeties, and, of course, like the rock star she is, she’s exactly in that range.

Here’s a picture of her recently filled out, beautifully-organized college tracker (a resource that serves as the foundation of our coaching program that we access on a weekly basis):

That’s what we're talking about! We provide all our students with the roadmap, but it’s on them to take advantage of it and apply it, just as Addison has done. And obviously, when you follow it, you get tremendous, stress-free results.

Is your family interested in a similar system dedicated to making the process as simple as possible? If so, book a free 45-minute call with me to discuss that possibility and find out if your family is a fit. Or, you can also book the free 45-minute call to chat with me about your specific admissions needs, whatever they are! On the call, we’ll give you a roadmap to college planning success specific to you and your high schooler.

If you’re not interested in a call at the moment but you want more free resources, check out our College Confidence Community. It’s dedicated to helping families like yours connect, ask questions, and even has a mini-roadmap full of videos for your family to follow along.

Wishing you all the best,



There are TWO Steps in College Admissions


Interviews with Ivy Bound Seniors Coming Soon