's time to give your child agency!

As I have written about in the past, I endured a long and stressful college process. From not getting into my top choice school in the Early Decision cycle to being waitlisted - I was in the thick of it for almost a year. But I acknowledge I was not the only one who was anxious.

My mom, equally invested in my outcome, was equally stressed.

She acted as my college consultant, helping me with all my essays, my resume, making sure I was on top of studying for my ACT, creating my college list, and anything/everything else you could think of.

While I am a hardworking and disciplined person, and would probably have been fine without her help, I admire my mom for her intelligence and perspective…I wanted her to help because if she thought my application was strong, how could an admissions officer not?!

My mom is extremely smart…BUT…she is NOT a college counselor. She also was going through the process for the first time, not knowing what to do in order to make the process as smooth and successful as possible.

She (and I) didn’t know how to:

Create a balanced school list
Write a standout college essay
Get a 36 on the ACT
Deal with the waitlist

And SOO much more!

So where did that leave us?
It left us bickering unproductively for hours and feeling stressed and unsupported, rather than spending our last few months with me living at home enjoying each others company.

Anastasia, Electra, my mom, me, and Sophia (left to right).

After joining the CollegeConsulting.US community, we both felt immediate relief, but more importantly, our relationship was able to focus on all the amazing things going on in our lives, that had nothing to do with college.

That’s why when the time came, my mom enrolled both my sisters, Anastasia (Northwestern University, Class of 2026) and Sophia (rising HS senior),
in the program.

She was reassured knowing that her children’s futures were in good hands…in our opinion the best hands.

With an outlined program of informative courses and deadlines and 1-on-1 coaching,
my mom could be equally invested without being equally stressed. She could just be my mom, NOT my college counselor.

Your child is not a kid anymore…They are in the process of setting themselves up for a successful future. Helping your child build agency in their life is a skill that will serve them well.

My advice: Allow us to provide the structure and support, while you enjoy spending quality time during your last few years with your child living under your roof. It goes by way too fast!

Best of luck,
Melina Kazanas

P.S. - Have a high-performing high schooler w/ a 3.7 GPA or higher? We'll help get them into at least one of their top 5 dream colleges...and if we don't get them into at least one of their top 5 dream colleges, you don't pay us a penny.  Seriously!  You can learn more about our world renowned all-inclusive, start-to-finish college coaching here and to see if your family qualifies for an introductory call.

P.P.S - Our most common question is "When should we start?!"  The answer is, if you truly care about giving your high schooler the best chance of college planning success, you should start NOW. 9th grade is not too early to start! 10th grade is certainly not too early to start! And 11th grade is far, far too late! (supporting data here to show just how much of an advantage you give your child by starting the process early).


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