USC, UNC...and now VANDERBILT Acceptance (A Case Study in Perseverence)

We'd like to introduce you to Thomas (pictured here with his college coach, Piotr, and his two parents in the background...on one of the many coaching calls we had with him over the years!)

Thomas worked diligently through our 4-Year, All-Inclusive, Start-to-Finish College Confidence Program, starting with us in 10th grade.

This spring, with our guidance, Thomas gained acceptance into two elite Universities: UNC Chapel Hill (as an out-of-state student! Extremely difficult to gain admission as an out-of-state student) and USC (Southern California) - another Top-30, elite, sub 15% acceptance rate school.

But Thomas had his sights set on his dream school, Vanderbilt...

These days, Vanderbilt has a ~6% acceptance rate.  After getting waitlisted, Thomas didn't give up.  He followed our waitlist advice.

And guess what?

We recently received this note from Thomas (a proud moment for everyone, certainly):

Thomas will now be attending his dream school, Vanderbilt University, this upcoming fall, having used our teachings to gain admission off the waitlist.

His story is one of commitment, dedication, and perseverance.  You deserve this, Thomas! Our whole team is incredibly proud of you.

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey

P.S. - It will be my 10 year reunion at Vanderbilt this fall.  You better believe I'll be meeting up with Thomas on campus to say hi in November.

P.P.S. - Do you have a highly motivated high schooler (min. 3.7 GPA) like Thomas is? We specialize in changing the lives of these exact types of students. If you'd like, you can learn more here.


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