Welcome to the Team, Melina!

We have some exciting news - the CC.us team continues to grow!

We'd like to welcome one of our former CC.us students, Melina, to our growing team!

Melina will serve as our new Director of Email Marketing. You can learn more about Melina's impressive story here, including her work with us as a high school student, her diligent work to gain admission off of the Vanderbilt waitlist, and her successes for 4 years as an undergraduate.

Melina will be able to provide unique college insights that only a recent college graduate can.  Having just gone through the entire college search, application, admission process herself...and then having just completed her 4 years on an elite college campus, her insights will be new, refreshing, and up to date. It is my true hope that her insights will resonate with current high school students, motivating them to DREAM BIG!

After all, my email list can only hear so many "Here's what I learned in 2008" stories...

You'll hear more from Melina, herself, next week, as she takes over providing timely, insightful, detailed, value-filled content all summer (and hopefully beyond!)

We're excited to have you aboard, Melina!

To your college planning success,
Jack Delehey
Founder, CollegeConsulting.us


A College Planning Case Study: From ‘Uncertain’ to ‘Supported, Encouraged, Accomplished’ in 7 Days


The Foundation of College Admissions Success