The Low Hanging Fruit in College Planning

I got to thinking the other day. A lot of the tips I give—how to craft a killer essay, construct a balanced school list, and build your story—cover the big picture.

But you’re probably thinking: Jack, this whole process is overwhelming. I want to start small. What are the easy things I can do today to help boost my admissions chances?

Well, that’s what this video’s for. If you’re a family just looking to start, and you want to cross some easy items off the college admissions checklist to build momentum, this one's for you.

Watch: The Low Hanging Fruit in College Planning (ANYONE can do this TODAY)

Time: 27 minutes, 5 seconds

For: Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors

To a stress-free college plan,



From Overwhelmed and Stress to Feeling Motivated for College Admissions


Recording of Webinar with Larry Cheung